2023年9月27日 日替わりの肉料理の謎 – September 27, 2023 Mystery of the daily meat dish




Today was my first day in the kitchen at the restaurant where I have been working part-time. The dishes I cooked this time were “seared meat,” the main dish of the daily lunch menu, and a fruit salad as a side dish. The tasks I was given were relatively simple and suitable for my training as a novice cook. The fruit salad involved removing the skin and seeds from various fruits such as apples, kiwi fruit, and pineapple, and cutting them into uniform blocks, which was good practice for my knife skills. The “seared meat” was prepared by searing the surface of the pre-cooked meat blocks with a gas burner to give them a slightly aromatic and tasty char. At first, both of these techniques were uneven and did not look as good as the pictures on the menu, but after a while, I was able to get very close to the pictures. The owner was very kind and instructive, and I feel that I can handle more difficult cooking in the future.

However, after working here for a few days, there is one thing that really bothers me. That is the daily “seared meat” special. The daily lunch special at this restaurant consists of a meat dish, a fish dish, and a pasta dish, and most of the meat dishes are “seared meat”. However, I still don’t know what kind of meat this is. When I gathered up the courage to ask the manager about the type of meat, he was vague about the details, saying that he decides on a daily basis according to his own whims. I also secretly checked the store’s refrigerator, but could not find any meat in the quantity used for “seared meat”. Recently, the neighborhood was featured on the local news for its eerie nocturnal noises of people screaming and animals crying. Also, the manager recently “bought a pet!” and at one point was able to carry a large snake. I hate to think about it, but I hope the “seared meat” is the same meat we are used to eating at the supermarket.


This is a children’s book about power lines created by a friend of mine. I recommend it to adults as well because of its interesting focus on power lines. Please take a look if you like!

