微分って、ざっくり言うと、グラフの点と点の間の変化量、つまり”傾き”を求める技なんだよね。じゃあ「変化量を示した関数」って言えばいいじゃん!って思うかもしれないけど、ぶっちゃけそうなのよ。でもさ、ぐにゃぐにゃした曲線のグラフがあるとするじゃん、あれを全部一つの関数で表そうとすると超複雑で計算めっちゃ難しいわけ。例えば、車の速度で考えると、最初の数秒間は制限速度まで加速して、制限速度に到達したら、しばらくは速度を変えずに走るよね。でも、その後、前の車との車間距離が詰まってきたり、上り坂に差し掛かったら速度が下がるよね。そんな出来事を全てを一つの数式で表すと大変だから、時間毎にその速度のグラフをぶった切って、分けてから考えるの。そうすると、小さく切り刻んだ区間ごとは一定の速度として求められるじゃない。これが微分ってやつなんだよね。考えた人天才だよね!でも、ちゃんと使いこなそうと思うといろいろと勉強が必要だから教科書見てねって感じだけど、世界観は共有できたんじゃないかな。 なので、よく速度の変化を求めたり、その後の速度を予測したりするのに使うんだよね。速度以外にも、マーケティングやファイナンスの領域で、過去のデータから将来予測したりするのに”微分”でやっつけたりする感じかな。これ以外にもいろいろな機械の制御やソフトウェアで”微分”が裏で使われているから、正直、愛してやって欲しいにゃ!!
Today, I was in the bathroom thinking, “Why are calculus classes so hard to understand?” I wanted to challenge myself to find a way to explain it in an easy-to-understand way. Well, I was called a “wonder girl” when I was a student and even when I was working at a company, and apparently I have my own unique view of the world. So I don’t know if people will understand me well, but I will do my best!!!
Differentiation, roughly speaking, is a technique to find the amount of change between points on a graph, in other words, the slope. Then, why don’t we just say “a function that shows the amount of change”? You may be thinking, “Well, that’s exactly what it is. But, if you have a graph of a curved line with a very curved shape, it would be very complicated and difficult to calculate if you try to express it all with a single function. For example, if you think about the speed of a car, it accelerates up to the speed limit for the first few seconds, and after reaching the speed limit, it runs without changing its speed for a while. But after that, when the distance between the car in front of you and the car in front of you gets narrower, or when you approach an uphill, your speed will decrease. It would be difficult to express all of these events in a single equation, so I cut the graph of speeds by time and divide it into sections. Then, the speeds of the small sections can be obtained as a constant speed. This is called differentiation. Whoever thought of this is a genius! But, to use it properly, you need to learn a lot of things, so you need to look at a textbook, but I think I have shared my view of the world with you. So I often use it to determine changes in velocity and to predict subsequent velocities. In addition to speed, I also use “differentiation” to predict the future from past data in the fields of marketing and finance. In addition to this, “differentiation” is also used behind the scenes in various machine controls and software, so honestly speaking, I hope you will love it!!!
This is a children’s book about power lines created by a friend of mine. I recommend it to adults as well because of its interesting focus on power lines. Please take a look if you like!