2023年7月20日 少額予算でも大きな感動!ウルトラウーマン – July 20, 2023 Big Impressions on a Small Budget! Ultra Woman



今回のテーマは「皆の勇気と応援が地球を救う。光のレスラー、ウルトラウーマン」でした。物語の概要ですが、いつもは地域に根差した興行で町を元気にするローカル女子プロレスラーの主人公 南夕陽ですが、その正体は地底帝国からやってきた光のレスラーだったのです。いつもの彼女はそんな素振りを見せませんが、宇宙から巨大な凶悪星人が地球を襲ってきたときに、太陽の光エネルギーを体に取り込み、巨大レスラー「ウルトラウーマン」に変身して地球のために果敢に戦います。


Today we held our monthly community lecture with the company’s theater group. Since it was during the daytime on a weekday, the play was aimed at kindergarteners and younger elementary school students.

The theme of the event was “Everyone’s courage and support will save the earth. Wrestler of Light, Ultra Woman”. To give you an idea of the story, the main character is Yuuhi Minami, a local female professional wrestler who usually energizes the town with her community-based entertainment, but her true identity is that of a wrestler of light from an underground empire. She does not always show such a pretense, but when a huge evil alien from outer space attacks the earth, she takes the sun’s light energy into her body and transforms into a giant wrestler “Ultra Woman” to fight boldly for the earth.

The production method was based on special effects, but due to budget constraints, we used projection mapping on a set of a city made of cardboard to express the burning of the city and the rampage in the sea. I played the role of the evil alien “dark villainess. My costume was just a painted rider suit, a cape, and colored contacts for the demon effect, but I succeeded in attracting the children with my convincing performance. The senior actor who played the role of Yuuhi Minami also attracted the envy and cheers of the children with his earnest performance, and the venue was filled with great enthusiasm. Although the content of the play was a bit special for relatively small children, it was a day that gave us confidence that we can give children dreams and hopes even with a small budget by performing seriously.

