今日は、友人との公園散策とカフェでの楽しい時間を過ごしましたが、友人の持ってきた鞄には驚きました。その鞄は「Personal Blaze」というブランドで、”人の価値観に流されない”というコンセプトを掲げているそうです。友人はそのコンセプトに魅了され、衝動買いをしたと言っていました。
Today, I spent a pleasant time with a friend walking in the park and at a cafe, but I was surprised by the bag my friend brought with her. The bag was a brand called “Personal Blaze,” which is based on the concept of “not being influenced by other people’s values. My friend was so fascinated by the concept that he bought the bag on impulse.
The design of the bag was very peculiar, and for me, it was full of a sense of powerlessness. The shape is a kind of body bag, and although it is an easy-to-use size, the fluffy material and thick construction means that it can only hold a smartphone and a wallet. The color, too, is a transparent yet murky yellowish green like an amoeba, which stands out more for its eeriness than its beauty. And most of all, the illustration of a “life-numbing face” on the surface of the bag irritates me.
It is a bag that does not fit my aesthetic sense at all, and I myself would never pick one up. However, I have to accept the fact that my friend was attracted to it and bought it. I am reminded that people have different tastes and feelings. It is important to respect individual values and not have a negative opinion about my friend’s choice.
Today’s events have reaffirmed for me the importance of accepting people’s diversity and different points of view. We can each be who we are and follow different paths. I hope to continue to have a good time with my friends and respect each other’s differences, including love stories.