2023年6月9日 香りの饗宴、パナマ・ゲイシャの誘惑に溺れて – June 9, 2023 A Feast of Fragrances, Drowning in the Seduction of Panama Geisha





Today I spent a blissful moment enjoying my special cup of coffee at my favorite cafe. I am a secret coffee fanatic, and it has become a routine for me to stop by whenever I find a cafe that looks good in my neighborhood, around my office, or even on business trips. My Maps app has become a veritable cafe directory.

Today’s special cup was a Panama Geisha. The jasmine-like aroma and fruity flavor that pervades the coffee has a taste that captivates me and makes me addicted to it. Moreover, the store I visited today is very good at bringing out the aroma, and I have been going there twice a month to meet this aroma. This cafe is very creative in bringing out the rich aroma of Geisha to its fullest. You can feel the meticulous attention to detail and skill in the coffee brewing process, extraction time, and temperature. The aroma is like a work of art, tickling my nostrils and filling my taste buds.

My heart beats with excitement every time I open the door to the restaurant to drown in this feast of aromas. As I write this diary, I am reminded once again of my passion as a coffee enthusiast. My journey continues. I cannot wait to see what enchantment the next cafes and coffee worlds I encounter will bring.

